Chiropractic in Little Rock AR

Chiropractic Little Rock AR Chiropractic

What Does It Mean To Be A Chiropractor in Little Rock AR?

I am certified as a Doctor of Chiropractic by Life Chiropractic College West (Bay Area, California). I am, in good standing, and licensed to practice Chiropractic in the State of Arkansas. This entitles me to legally designate myself with the professional title of Chiropractor, DC, or Chiropractic Physician in Little Rock AK.

The Scope Of Practice In Little Rock AR Is Defined As:

‘Practice of chiropractic’ means the engagement in the diagnosis and analysis of any interference with normal nerve transmission and expression, and the procedure preparatory to and complementary to the correction thereof by an adjustment of the articulations of the vertebral column, its immediate articulations, including spinal adjustments, spinal manipulations and spinal mobilizations, such as any type of pressure, force, thrust or passive movement, singular or plural, applied to the spinal vertebrae or their adjacent articulations by hand or mechanical device or by other incidental adjustments, for the restoration and maintenance of health. The practice of chiropractic includes therapy, the normal regimen, and rehabilitation of the patient for the purpose of removing any injury, deformity or abnormality of human beings without the use of drugs or surgery.

The scope of my Chiropractic Practice in Little Rock AR encompasses all of the above.

Please contact us at Chiropractic Little Rock with questions regarding your condition and what we can do to help.


8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm


10:00am - 2:40pm

Chiropractic Little Rock

615 Beechwood St
Little Rock, AR 72205

(501) 663-2600